Limitless With Mental Illness


People say your mindset determines your destiny. I believe that to be true to a certain extent. We do not know when tragedy will strike or what obstacles will present themselves before us. The only thing we can control, is how we react and handle life’s most difficult moments.

When you have a mental illness, I believe we have to fight harder for everything. We have to run an extra mile, just to go around a city block. We have to jump through hurdles just to get over a small bump in the road, and it feels like we are running through molasses to cross the finish line of anything.

Inner turmoil, distress and feeling like you are coming undone sometimes becomes part of the daily routine and battle to be conquered and won, before you can even begin to tackle and win the normal daily struggles. This daily inner turmoil, distress, and electrical misfiring in your brain can wreak havoc within every aspect of your life and ability to function and live a normal and good life.

The chemical imbalance and misfiring of signals in your brain, and the faulty connections between your brain, nerves and body are not determined by your willpower, mindset, determination and stamina. Some of it is out of your hands, and out of your control.

The key is learning what you can control and what is out of your hands. You must learn to accept the difference and the realization of what is and what is not in your control.

Acceptance is the hardest part. Acceptance is when you come to the full realization and understanding of what your reality is. You never have to accept what is right now as your forever, but you need to get an honest perspective of what is real and what is realistic for your life.

Understand that limitations may hinder your vision for your future. But, also realize that you do not need to set limits. Become limitless. Reach as far as you can stretch until your elastic thins, but does not break. When you know you went as far as you can and you tried your best, there will be no regrets. You did the best you could with what you had.

Know your impairments that might be in your way, so that you know what you need to repair. After you determine what you need to repair, figure out how to repair it as well and as efficiently as you can.

Set realistic dreams and goals. Make sure you have dreams. Without dreams, there is no hope. You must have hope. Hope leaves the window of opportunity open, so you can see a brighter future.

Know your life can always become better. It may not be the process, sequence, speed, direction or path you wanted to take, but one day you will be right where you need to be. You will get back on your road and go the direction you want to travel. Soon you will replant yourself in the best spot to sprout and grow, reaching and grasping your optimal level of living.

One day, you will reach your better tomorrow.

The key is to remember there is a better and brighter tomorrow.

When we face mental illness we have to work harder to get where we are going. It might take longer than you planned,  but you can still get to the church on time.

There may be many obstacles in your way, obstacles so huge and struggles so big that you don’t think you can ever overcome them, but one day you will make it.

You will overcome and you will come over to the other side. You will make it to which ever side you want. Once you reach the side you want, start living your life without any sides.

Become centered, and participate fully in your life. Live your life to your fullest potential.

Set less limits, and become limitless.

Copyright © By Susan Walz and – All written content and personal artwork is © and Susan Walz. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner/artist is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to My Loud Bipolar Whispers and/or Susan Walz with appropriate and specific directions to the original content.



    1. Very true, but even so we must keep living. Believe or not. I do not think I believe it yet, but I am starting a new job tomorrow. I got it before my overdose and they have been waiting for me. I am still in withdrawals but I am going to fight and do what ever I must to keep this job. It pays $20.00 an hour for part-time. Going to write a post about it. Just didn’t do it yet. Thanks for reading and for your kind comments. It was why I wrote the too good to be true post and decision post. I pray I can make it and hide my withdrawal effects and poor memory from my new employer. Somehow I must make myself be at my best even though I am not there yet.

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      1. wow, congratulations! I hope it won’t stress you too much. Nice of them to keep your job for you. Of course it takes time to heal, take lots of notes so your memory doesn’t have to work so hard. You can do it. Look how far you have come in such a short time!

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      2. Thank you. I tried my best, but I couldn’t do it. It was awful. I knew I wasn’t ready but I thought each day would get better and I just had to do it, even though I wasn’t ready. They kept waiting for me, but I knew after trying to be strong enough on legs that still felt like feathers and a brain that wasn’t functioning enough to be able retain new information as quickly as they needed, that I could not do it right now. So, I tried two days for 8 hours total (training was longer than my normal shift because they wanted me to be trained quickly). I told them it wasn’t fair to them because I was not the same person they interviewed… not yet anyway. This job was going to pay me $20/hour and I know I could learn it some day, but not as soon as they needed or wanted. I couldn’t do it. It is a huge responsibility. It was US BANK. I have never been a teller before, but I would learn it. It was the too good to be true thing. This was too good to be true… for right now. They only needed me to work 15 hours weekly. What? Perfect amount of money (almost) for Social Security Disability Income. They said they would work with me to keep my hours under what I can make. Wow! Oh well, I guess there is something better suited for me. Now I can give myself more time to get ready and I will need to look for a new job. It will be tougher now because I will have a lapse of time for employment to explain without being able to share the truth, which is unfortunate but it is the reality of the stigma. I am open and honest about my bipolar but not about a suicide attempt and not when I am trying to obtain a new job. The stigma is still out there too much and I cannot pretend it isn’t there. Oops, I rambled… thank for reading and always being there . You are amazing. Hugs, Sue

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      3. I thought it was very soon, but it was worth a try. I wonder if your training hours were shorter, like 4 hrs, if it would have been better. That would be exhausting after going through what you did. I tell you, you are amazing for having the courage to try. Maybe when you are ready, you can go back to them and let them know, anyway, I’m glad you were confident enough to say, you weren’t ready. Something else will come up. Wow. Good for you Sue!

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      4. Thank you dear. I am feeling better now. I think trying to work was too much for me. Today (and yesterday), I think I made a good and lasting turn for the better. I am not 100%, but I made a big shift in my brain. It zapped something correctly. I pray it continues. I feel better today than I have since… It has been a very long, slow and difficult road, but I thin I am finally on the road to recovery. Hurray! I also believe there is a better job for me, more suited for my happiness. I love to help people and used to teach special ed before my symptoms became too severe. That is the kind of work I truly love to do. I still love helping people and that is the type of job I need to find. I tried the other job because of the pay (which would have been nice), but not the type work. I believe God has something better for me. I will just have to figure out what it is. Thank you again. Thank you for listening… I mean reading lol. I appreciate it beyond words. Much love, Sue

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      5. Listening too. I am listening. Maybe you could start volunteering special ed when you are ready, just to get yourself comfortable without pressures of feeling like you arent worth the pay. Then take paid part time, I know money is nice, but it is not everything. Health is more important. Something will come along for you. I am glad you feel much better!

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      6. My problem is that I started working part-time about 4 years ago and now accrued a lot of bills and loans. Now I need my part-time pay to survive. I am blessed because I am living off my taxes right now. I will try to find a job doing home care or something else. Something will turn out. Hopefully, this will be my last part-time job I will need to get. I have become a professional interviewer and part-time job seeker. Thank you again.

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      7. You must be a strong person. Do you work full-time or part-time? I would love not to work, especially right now. I just have never found a part-time job I loved yet. I am going to start the job search again very soon, and I pray something will suit me perfectly. Have a fabulous day. Sue


      8. I usually work full time 6 days a week. I’ve been off since end of Dec. no business in the winter at my store. I wish I could afford to be off, but I’m kind of a workaholic as well. Things are so expensive these days.

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      9. Still you should give yourself credit for being strong and being able to work as much as you do. It is difficult living with a mental illness and you manage to work as much as you do. That is fantastic. Stay well and happy. Hugs, Sue

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