Tweet #ihave to End Mental Illness Stigma

Carve stigma out of existence forever.

Please help me everyone.

I am trying to end mental illness stigma.

If you have a twitter page

please make a tweet with a hashtag # and the words ihave


to show and represent

that you have faced and been exposed to mental illness stigma,

been shamed and biased by mental illness stigma,

you have seen or know others who have been stigmatized by mental illness stigma,

and know that mental illness stigma exists today,

and most importantly

you know that



Please tweet


and let us start our own new movement

to educate about mental illness and mental illness stigma.

I feel it is crucial and equally important as everything else that is going on today.


I am not even safe from stigma harm on Twitter.

I do have to go to work later this afternoon otherwise I would write the post now.

I started my little #ihave idea a few days ago and have been taking it slowly, but I am very fired up right now because of what cruelty I just faced on Twitter. I will explain it on my next post. I do not have enough time to give my post the quality time I need to write it as well as I should.

I will give you a short synopsis of the conversation. I was actually minding my own business and responded to a tweet a man wrote about Trump. I responded back in agreement with what he posted and he responded with…

Are you bipolar?

I asked him why he asked me that and he responded…

“because I am smart.”

I asked him again why he asked me that and this time he responded…

“because you are acting erratically and it is on your profile page. lol”

and the rest is history. It is on my Twitter page. I am not sure if you can still see it all, because he has since deleted that page after I started replying back to him about how his words are stigma etc.

Other comments he made were…

I took pictures of his tweets and will post them on my next blog post after work tonight or tomorrow. I took pictures, because I knew he would soon delete the conversation and I wanted to educate and increase awareness about what stigma is, how cruel it is and how those words hurt…they really do.

I did not deserve any of those comments and neither does anyone that has ever heard them or been stigmatized in any way.

Stigma needs to stop now!

Please remember to tweet #ihave

You can follow me on Twitter to see the dialog if it is still there and also see some of the pics I took and other comments etc. Plus, you can follow me on Twitter just for fun, too. Please follow me at @SusanVWalz. Thank you.

Please look for my post tomorrow. I will have more details and the information will be written much more clearer and with more detail. Thank you for reading and I hope you can Tweet…


Copyright © By Susan Walz and – All written content and personal artwork is © and Susan Walz. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner/artist is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to My Loud Bipolar Whispers and/or Susan Walz with appropriate and specific directions to the original content. 

















    1. Thank you for reading and commenting. I greatly appreciate it. I do too. Stigma is stupid and stupidity and ignorance and cruel people make me angry. I do not understand people like that. I just have to try to remember they are the broken ones not me or us. Love and hugs, Sue

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That guy is an ass. He thought he was funny and he was not and then he tried to bully me and he messed with the wrong person and pissed me off. Stigma needs to stop. I hope the little #ihave goes somewhere. I will need a lot of help. We need to do something We really do. I need a lot of help though because I do not know enough people. Thank you for helping and spreading the word. Please help in any way you can. I appreciate anything you can do. We all have to get together on ending stigma… somehow.

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    1. He is an ass and he thought he was funny thought he could bully me off Twitter and he messed with the wrong person… I did not let him get by with his words. Nope. Stigma and ignorance still exist a lot more than we realize. We need to keep educating.


  1. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. People are so heartless nowadays. It’s one thing to accidentally be unsensitized to a subject but It’s another thing to be downright mean… hugs and love your way

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for reading my post and thank you for your very kind and encouraging comments. I greatly appreciate them and your words helped me feel better. So, thank you again. You are right. I could have ignored some of his words, but he was so blatantly rude and cruel and used such stigmatizing comments. He was so mean and then later he tried to say I started it all and I bashed him etc. It was no fun. I only retweeted his posts because I thought it was a perfect teachable moment and I retweeted his stigma to help educate others. As a mental illness advocate, I am trying to teach others what stigma is so I can get it to stop. I hope it helped somehow. It is over and I reported him and l blocked him. At least I do not have to deal with him again. Ugh. I hope I helped him to never stigmatize again or at least less. Who knows, but I have to remember that people like that are the broken ones, not me or us. Love and hugs, Sue

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reblogging my post, I appreciate it greatly. I hope it helped others. The guy and his behavior reminded me completely of Trump too. The funny thing is that he is a guy that constantly tweets negatively about Trump and how horrible a person he is and this John guy is just like him in many ways. It is sad but the people that are cruel, evil and ignorant do not know it… just like Trump. Love and hugs, Sue


    1. Thank you. The guy was an idiot… a mean idiot which is the worst kind. Thank you for reading my post and thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I appreciate it very much. I am happy you like the #ihave idea. I need to work on it more so more people become aware of it. I don’t know enough people, but I will keep plugging away at it. Love and hugs, Sue

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  2. Hi Sue, 1 of the reason I extricated myself from Twitter was it was taking over my life, I was becoming a slave to it. What that person, if that’s what he classed himself as, needs to do, is go for a visit to a mental health treatment facility and see what it is they do. Obviously he’s had no exposure to ppl with any form of mental ill health. By all means, light him up on Twitter, make him famous.


    1. he is trying to apologize and telling everyone I bullied him. He got caught and now he is trying to say he is sorry only because he knows he was caught with his ignorance. I am not done I am still going to to retweet his words because they were his and his words are cruel and they are stigma and I am trying to educate about mental illness stigma. He said he has OCD, like it is ok for him to make fun of bipolar because he has OCD.

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