I Will be so Happy and Proud of Myself When I Finish Writing My Memoir (Daily Word Prompt is Chuckle)

I sometimes wonder what people truly think when I tell them I am writing a book, a memoir about my life.

People that know me and know part of my story think it is a great idea. Other people who do not know me well or know my story at all sometimes act like they are impressed, but are they really? Some people do not say anything at all.

I believe some people chuckle a little to themselves in disbelief when I tell them I am writing my memoir, thinking it is a stupid idea and that I will never get a book written or published.

When I see negative reactions or non-reactions, I become even more determined to finish writing my memoir and memoirs. I will show them.

When my dreams come true and my memoir is finished, published and being sold, I will be so proud of myself.

I can do it. I must finish it and get it published as soon as possible. It will be a great story and memoir of my life.

Writing and finishing my memoir and memoirs is my dream, my hope, my passion and is on my bucket list. I must finish my memoir for many reasons.

My story needs to be written, documented and shared with the world. I do not want the story and journey of my life to one day be buried with me and my full story never told or known again.

My story and journey of my life and everything I lived through and survived needs to be shared with others so I can educate many people about what bipolar is and can do to your life. I want people to know about bipolar and mental illness stigma and the cruelty of this illness and mental illness stigma.

My story is true and a memoir, but it will be almost read in disbelief with people having thoughts that no one could have lived through what I did.

The miracle of Jesus healing me, saving me and his presence throughout my life will also be part of my memoir as it must be.

The story of my life is a very interesting, yet painful one. It is a must write and a must read story of the journey of my life.

After I finish writing my memoir, get it published and sell many copies of my memoir, people will not chuckle anymore.

I will be so happy and proud of myself. So, I must hurry up, get to work and finish writing my memoir.

It is time to make my dreams come true.


Copyright © By Susan Walz and myloudbipolarwhispers.com – ALL WRITTEN CONTENT AND PERSONAL ARTWORK (ie. drawings, illustrations and paintings) is © myloudbipolarwhispers.com and Susan Walz. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner/artist is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to My Loud Bipolar Whispers and/or Susan Walz with appropriate and specific directions to the original content


  1. Please do keep up the writing!

    I actually took an online course for memoir writing. I was so excited! I have bipolar disorder too, and just after the course dove into the project like a wild woman. I was just writing up a storm. I got through all of the glory days so easily, but fizzled out when I reached the tougher and more traumatic ones. Luckily, however, I have my outline. My chapter names and tons of notes. I know that some day I will be able to tackle the tough stuff.

    Please do continue to reach for this dream of yours. It’s important. Not just for you, but for others too. So often people closest to us never really saw the big picture or the roughest days. There is so much, at least in my life, that people around me have no clue about. If you are willing to share those most private moments, then I hope you will definitely meet your goal and the people around you (and beyond) will come to understand you better, not to mention the disorder.

    I have to say that some of my blog entries could easily be included in my memoir. Even today’s.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your comment and kind and encouraging words. I pray I can finish my memoir soon. I have to put my mind and determination to concentrating on that. I think I could put some of my blog posts in my memoir as well. Also I have about twenty journals from about twenty years of my hospitalizations etc. that I could include in a separate memoir or as part of each of my memoirs. I wish I didn’t have to even work part-time sometimes because I really want to just write sometimes… Hpw was thj ememoir writing cours. I would love to do that as we.. My problem is organizing all of my memoir entries etc. I have a lot of material written but need to organize it better. Anyway somehow I will writ e my memoir. Thank you again for your kind words. Hugs and blessings. ❤ Sue Some of the hard parts of my life are difficult for me as well but when I get through them I know they have been very therapeutic for me…. ❤

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  2. I just finished my own testimony about six months ago. It is in print, but I’m still learning how I can market it. It was a process. The Holy Spirit was with me every step of the way. I really struggled over some of the parts to add or not to add. After I finished it, I now look back and say I should’ve added this or that. But that’s probably the way of any book.

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  3. I think many are hindered in their ability to truly believe in themselves. My thoughts are we must tell our stories. We must share with the world thoughts, dreams and triumphs and fails.
    We have the opportunity to touch so many lives. Reach for the stars!

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  4. oops somehow my comment was sent before I was done…. I need to work on my memoir on a much more consistent basis. I need to work harder on it so I can finish it. I must pray and God will help me finish it and write a beautiful memoir. I cannot finish it without God. I need prayers to finish it as I want to finish it very soon. ❤ Sue


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